Creative Mother's Day Card Ideas
Creative Mother's Day Card Ideas
There are times while only a Mother's love
Can apprehend our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.
There are times while simplest a Mother's love
Can percentage the pleasure we feel
When something we've got dreamed approximately
Quite abruptly is actual.
There are instances whilst handiest a Mother's religion
Can help us on lifestyles' way
And inspire in us the self-belief
We want from day after day.
For a Mother's coronary heart and a Mother's faith
And a Mother's steadfast love
Were long-established via the Angels
And sent from God above.
Mom's smiles can brighten any second,
Mom's hugs positioned joy in all our days,
Mom's love will stay with us forever
and touch our lives in treasured ways...
The values you've got taught,
the care you have given,
and the first rate love you've got shown,
have enriched my lifestyles
in greater approaches than I can depend.
I Love you, Mom!
If I have been hanged on the highest hill,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
I understand whose love might follow me nevertheless,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
If I were drowned in the deepest sea,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
I understand whose tears could come down to me,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
If I have been damned of body and soul,
I know whose prayers would make me complete,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
creative mother's day card ideas
creative mother's day card ideas