Greeting Card Mother's Day
Greeting Card Mother's Day
Daughters-in-law are our grandchildren's moms.
As such, they bring about our fortunes downstream.
Under their steering, our hopes grow to be others
Giving their force to a far larger dream.
How fortunate we are to have you as the carer
That nurtures the hearts of our hearts, that they'll
Each is a lover, a giver, and sharer,
Remaking the sector of their picture each day.
So will we all, like streams from the mountains,
In time come to be joined by the souls we have made,
Now mingled forever, eternal companions,
Linked by using our love in a bond that might not fade.
As you for your noontime your paintings of love do,
We watch from the hillside, grateful for you.
Dear Mother, please don't dispose of my toddler.
I'm younger, alone, my husband is in prison.
But there is a surprise in what fortune can be
Given us, although time its awareness veil.
Please help me be a mom ton as you are
By being, however, a mom as soon as removed,
As I turn out to be the daughter that I so far
Have in no way been, by using love and labor proved.
And allow me, love, as you probably did my very own baby,
Making the satisfactory of what I wrought in ache;
For once destiny leaves, one must suppose it smiled,
Rejoicing in what one could rue in useless.
I might not deliver my child to every other;
I need you now, but best as my mom.
Close your eyes and want to the one element
You can't do without, and when you do,
Near your coronary heart, you'll find it, continually there,
Treasure that is pricey but no longer so rare,
Held within the mesh that all your desires drift via.
In fact, no gift extra happiness can bring,
And so at the moment, I provide my like to you.
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